MLRTP 2050

The 2050 Multimodal Long Range Transportation Plan is approved

The 2050 MLRTP is a guiding document for future investments that presents long-term challenges and opportunities in terms of infrastructure, transit services, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and related transportation services in Puerto Rico. Additionally, it intends to reduce congestion by improving public transportation services and access facilities for those in greatest need, as well as functional diversity.
For the island of Puerto Rico
San Juan Transportation Management Area
Aguadilla Transportation Management Area
Other urbanized areas
MLRTP 2050 – For the island of Puerto Rico:
This plan works all areas of the MPO together, including the Transportation Management Areas of San Juan and Aguadillas and the North, East, South, Southeast and Southwest regions.

MLRTP 2050 – San Juan Transportation Management Area:
This plan works with the San Juan TMA exclusively. This TMA has the most complex highway system, and the most toll highways in the islands. It also manages the islands’ most complex transportation system, with a mix of systems that includes the islands’ only rail system and a state-run bus network. The San Juan TMA is also the main point of entry and exit of goods to Puerto Rico as well as arrivals and departures of air passengers and cruise ships.

MLRTP 2050 – Aguadilla Transportation Management Area:
This plan works exclusively with the Aguadilla Transportation Management Area.

MLRTP 2050 – Other urbanized areas:
This plan works with the other areas of the MPO including the following regions: North, East, South, Southeast and Southwest together.

Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Regions