Work Plan

Challenges faced by Puerto Rico in its transportation system

Population migration
Aging population
Infrastructure vulnerability !
Changes in travel patterns due to pandemic
Culture focused on private vehicles
Lack of integration between land use and transportation
Lack of maintenance of the existing infrastructure

The transportation planning process

  • Evaluates the infrastructure needs of highways and transit services.
  • Defines the vision for the direction of transportation infrastructure development.
  • Analyzes alternatives that improve the mobility and access of users, whether in their private vehicles, public transportation, bicycle or walking.
  • Analyzes the financial feasibility of investing in the infrastructure.
  • Defines and schedules projects and services in the short and long term.
El proceso de planificación de transporte - EN

Development of the work plan

The purpose of this MLRTP 2050 is to develop a long range transportation plan throughout the island that facilitates the safe and efficient administration, operation, and development of the transportation systems in every municipality of Puerto Rico; while addressing the current and long-term mobility needs of people and freight transportation, including pedestrian accessibility and bicycle infrastructure.

This MLRTP 2050 will establish the planning framework for all transportation projects for Puerto Rico, which must take into consideration the planning regions in Puerto Rico, divided into:

  • San Juan Transportation Management Area
  • Aguadilla Transportation Management Area
  • Urbanized Areas of less than 200,000 inhabitants
    • North Region
    • Southern Region
    • Eastern Region
    • Southeast Region
    • Southwest Region

Federal Law No. 114-94, known as “Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act” (FAST-Act) of December 4, 2015 stipulates and requires jurisdictions and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) to develop and update a long range transportation plan for the island of Puerto Rico every five years with a projection of at least 20 years in the future (23 USC 134 and 135; 49 USC 5303 and 5304). To meet this requirement, the Highways and Transportation Authority’s (ACT) Strategic Planning Office is in the process of developing the multimodal long range transportation plans for the year 2050.

Proposed vision

The Island’s transportation system will provide safe, efficient, and effective accessibility and mobility for the entire population and the movement of goods and services. It will focus on resilience infrastructure to extreme weather events, fostering energy efficient livable communities and sustainable economic development for the Island.

Proposed goals

This MLRTP 2050 includes the following four goals: